
Get to know what ONERGO offers.

ONERGO plans to introduce several core features designed to improve community participation and blockchain education:

Event Calendar

An easy-to-navigate calendar that showcases all key events within the Ergo ecosystem. Founders and moderators of projects connected to Ergo can seamlessly add new events via Discord integration, ensuring the calendar remains current and community-focused.

Educational Platform

An interactive quest system encourages users to engage with the Ergo network by completing tasks such as executing Rosen Bridge transactions, providing liquidity on Crooks Finance, or acquiring NFTs from the Cyberverse game. Through these quests, users earn points, badges, and rewards, enabling a hands-on learning experience.

Discord Bot

ONERGO connects directly to multiple Ergo community Discord servers, allowing users to easily access event information and engage with the ecosystem. With commands like /events to list project-specific events and /allevents for a comprehensive view of the ecosystem, the bot keeps users up-to-date in real-time.

An example of how users could interact with this bot:

// General Commands:
/events: Shows all upcoming events related to this project or community.
/allevents: Displays the closest events across the entire Ergo ecosystem.
Events: ErgoHack, project launches, presales, game nights and more.

// Admin Commands (for Ergo project Discord Admins only):
/addevent: Add a new event to the ONERGO calendar. 
This event will be visible on both the website calendar and via the bot.
Usage: /addevent [Event Title] [Date] [Time] [Description] [Link (optional)]
Example: /addevent "ErgoHack IX" 2024-10-25 "Join us for the next ErgoHack!" https://ergohack.io/register

    Other Commands:
/myevents: Shows a list of upcoming events you’ve registered interest in or set reminders for.

/leaderboard: Check the top participants based on event attendance and quests completed in the Ergo ecosystem.

To drive deeper participation, ONERGO offers a variety of incentives for event attendance and quest completion. A leaderboard system tracks user engagement, fostering friendly competition within the community.

Details of the incentive system still need to be polished.

Last updated